If you haven’t been keeping track of your credit report, now might be the time. Before you even think about buying a house, you should clean up your credit score as much as you can. If you are on the edge of getting approval, it is important to understand that inquiries do affect your credit score when you apply for a loan. Getting your credit cleaned up may even be worth waiting on a purchase so you can get better rates.
It is a common misconception that you need to add to your debt with a new credit card in order to raise a credit score. If you are shopping for a new home, now is not the time to open up any additional credit lines to add to your debt. While it may be tempting to open up a line of credit to add that bedroom furniture you want, you should resist the temptation and save up for it instead.
Bills can be hard to afford, and sometimes people miss payments. If you are buying a new house, it is crucial that you pay your bills on time. Making bill payments regularly and on time is one of the most high impact factors when evaluating your credit score.
Moving money around could also affect the process of buying your home. Lenders do pay attention to your accounts, and regularly moving money around can be a red flag when applying for a loan. Be sure to keep your accounts current but modest when applying,
If you are on the hunt for a new car and a new home, you should wait on the former. While buying a car is also fun and exciting, it does generate more debt. If you generate more debt, lenders will not budge in their decision to deny you for your home loan.
Lenders don’t just look at your credit report. They also look at your financial stability here and now. Changing jobs can scare creditors off, because it raises the risk of instability in those first few months of payment. You generally want to be in a stable and secure job before you start chasing down loans.