As many people may be aware, the full weight and economic impact of the global coronavirus pandemic has yet to be felt, particularly since many countries are only just now starting to see an outbreak. There are many markets and economies that will be hard hit by this...
The commercial real estate sector is a major investment subset of the larger real estate industry. More investors are targeting moving into commercial real estate properties (e.g. business parks and resorts), owing to the lucrative benefits and returns. Of late,...
It is likely no surprise to hear that curb appeal can make or break a deal when you are trying to sell a house. Though the interior of a home certainly holds weight, first impressions matter. Even when you are operating on a budget, you should try to prioritize your...
With the advent of social media, the landscape of real estate marketing has been reshaped. The creation of real estate apps as well as websites (e.g. Zillow) has also greatly changed marketing strategies. The main goal of real estate marketing is to get people to buy...
The real estate and real estate construction industry are constantly changing and adapting to the needs of business and future client’s that require home construction. One of the most prominent entities that is changing the industry is new technology. With modern...